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    Omni Productivity Pack 2015 - Bộ phần mềm quản lý thời gian và công việc một cách chuyên nghiệp!

    Diagramming. Project planning. Outlining. Task management. Omni’s highly-acclaimed suite of productivity apps is ready to put your iPad to work for you, and with the Omni Productivity Pack you’ll save money when you buy all four apps. All of these apps sync through the cloud with their Mac counterparts, so you can work on the same documents whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    OmniGraffle is an incredible tool for diagramming and wireframing, equally well suited to making quick sketches and to polishing final, client-ready designs. OmniGraffle knows what makes a diagram different from a drawing, so it knows how to help you make superior documents quickly: it keeps lines connected to shapes even when they’re moved, it provides stencils full of objects for you to drag and drop, and it can magically organize diagrams so your ideas come to life.

    OmniPlan is designed to help you visualize, maintain, and simplify your projects. Break down tasks, optimize the required resources, and monitor your entire plan—all at a glance. Collaborate with your colleagues and share every detail, update a calendar with your days off, or mix and match. OmniPlan helps you manage projects that are as simple or complex as you need them to be—without the complexity.

    OmniOutliner starts as a blank page. But as you collect, compose, and rearrange text, its powerful outlining features emerge to organize your ideas. Hierarchy, columns, styling, notes — use them all in concert or keep things simple, depending on the project at hand. From basic lists and tables to serious writing and data wrangling, OmniOutliner understands how to keep your work structured and tidy.

    OmniFocus brings the in-depth task management features of a desktop app to your fingertips. With flexible viewing options, location-awareness, and on-the-fly task entry from just about anywhere, OmniFocus is the trusted system you need for managing everything in your busy life. Keep track of tasks by project, place, person, or date; with OmniFocus, you’ll always have your important information at hand, whether it’s a shopping list, agenda items to discuss at work, things to do at home—whatever you need.

    All of these apps are available separately, but you can save today by purchasing all of them in the Omni Productivity Pack.

    • Omni Focus
    • Omni Graffle
    • Omni Ouliner
    • Omni Plan
    Download Maxspeech with MacintoshVN

    (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)

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