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  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    Mar 2016
    Bài viết

    1Password 5.4.2 Phần mềm sao lưu và phục hồi mật khẩu cho Mac OS

    (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)
    là phần mềm quản lý mật khẩu tất cả trong một mang đến cho bạn sự yên tâm và thuận tiện trong việc lưu trữ mật khẩu. Tất cả mật khẩu lưu trữ đều được mã hoá và bảo mật một cách nghiêm ngặt, bạn sẽ không phải lo mình quên, mất hay lộ mật khẩu các ứng dụng, các website, tài khoản ngân hàng của mình.

    1Password hỗ trợ đầy đủ các trình duyệt web lớn, bao gồm cả (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)
    , Firefox, Chrome, và Opera.

    1Password đã nhận được nhiều giải thưởng lớn từ các tạp chí Macworld, MacLife.... Ngoài ra 1Password cũng hỗ trợ và đồng bộ tốt với hệ điều hành Windows các ứng dụng trên (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)
    và Android.


    Version 5.4.2:

    • Fixed an issue that could cause our updater to fail to install updates

    (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)
    Version 5.4: Đây là một update khá lớn với nhiều cải tiến. Các bạn có thể xem dưới đây.

    • 1Password and Safari now have a new, more secure way to communicate.
    • Now you can AirDrop items from your Mac to other Apple devices
    • No more squinting at passwords! There’s now a large display option for passwords
    • If you use Maelstrom for your Internet browsing, you can use the 1Password extension! {OPM-2926}
    • Now you can change passwords for secondary vaults in Preferences > Security
    • If you use the Top Layout view and want to change the columns, you can now add and remove them
    • You can now add Copy JSON and UUID Menu items to the item list context menu by enabling them under Preferences > Advanced
    • Sometimes you need to add a phone number in a custom field. Now you can
    • If an item is in a folder, the folder path is now shown its details view
    • You can now add new Login fields in Web Form Details
    • Updated to latest and greatest Brain with improvements for Login, Credit Card and Identity filling.
    • If you attempt to enable sync on a network drive, 1Password will now warn you
    • If you use the Top Layout view, you’ll notice that 1Password remembers the width of its columns
    • The layout of of the Save Login dialog's Locked view is better if you’re using a language with long text
    • Matching Logins in 1Password mini are now also displayed in the Logins category list and in the Folders
    • Radio button fields are now shown in Web Form Details
    • Secure Notes' content is now easier to select in 1Password mini's detached details view
    • The "Copy Password" context menu is now enabled for password items too
    • The 1Password Updater will try and download from alternative sources if a failure occurs
    • The details view column position is now shifted rightward for certain items with long field labels
    • The most recent manual backup is now selected in Preferences > Backups
    • The opened attachments cache directory is now explicitly excluded from Time Machine backups
    • The opened attachments cache directory is now tagged with the ".noindex" suffix to prevent Spotlight from indexing its contents
    • The QR Code window no longer brings 1Password to the front when clicked
    • The strength indicator for the password generator in 1Password mini updates in real time when typing in the password field
    • The tags field is now multi-line and grows as you type
    • The use of text color in Preferences is now more consistent.
    • Top Layout now saves sort order across launches
    • Unified the quick search terminology
    • URLs can now be added to manually-created Password items in the main app
    • When changing the master password, the password strength indicator updates as you type
    • Wi-Fi Server preference now mentions Android and includes a link to documentation {OPM-3166}
    • Improved the consistency of the text for "Show Search Options"
    • Updated with the latest translations from our awesome team of Crowdin translators.
    • The ⌘-N keyboard shortcut in 1Password mini will now work if you’re viewing the login panel
    • Icons will now display when you switch to Top Layout
    • Spaces in telephone numbers will no longer cause the Call feature to fail
    • If the autosubmit script wasn’t installed, the Submit Logins menu item could lie about the state of the preference in 1Password mini. We’ve taught the mini not to lie
    • If your system language is Persian, you can now edit dates. Sorry about that
    • "ophttp(s)://" URLs will now load in the browser
    • When changing the custom field type, 1Password mini will no longer create duplicate fields
    • 1Password mini would continuously log that it was waiting for discoveryd to return from its lunch break on Yosemite 10.10.4. We’ve convinced the mini that this was improper behavior
    • If you closed the welcome window via the stoplights when setting up 1Password for the first time, it wouldn’t move on to the next step. Now it will
    • Concealed passwords were spoken via VoiceOver when still concealed; now they aren’t
    • If the demo vault was active and one attempts to buy 1Password from the Purchase Window drop down, demo Identities and Credit Card items no longer appear {OPM-3186}
    • Errors while adding attachments are no longer presented behind the window adding the attachment
    • Folders with the same name will now show up in the Save Login popup menu {OPM-3170}
    • The "Cancel" and "Open" buttons now work in the "Import" panel under Yosemite 10.10.3. {OPM-2930, OPM-2965}
    • The "Copy Password" context menu no longer appears if the item has no password
    • The hover copy button of the TOTP field no longer covers the countdown timer
    • The sync vault can no longer be saved in a directory other than the one selected if the vault name contains "../" {OPM-3212}
    • The Watchtower vulnerabilities database will no longer update if Watchtower is disabled
    • Vulnerable items will no longer display in details view if Watchtower is disabled
    • If one item somehow becomes corrupted, the whole vault will no longer be unrecoverable
    • The Wi-Fi Sync Server wouldn’t start if the computer name contained certain characters. We’ve given it some language lessons so this will no longer happen
    • There are no longer issues with installing a license if 1Password is not already launched
    • The "Convert to Login" button no longer covers the add ('+') button when the Passwords category was selected
    • We prodded some pixels to resolve some layout issues in the Web Form Details
    • Tags copied from one item’s details view and pasted into another’s will now work as expected
    • Two blinking cursors were sometimes shown in the details view in edit mode. We’ve sent the second one to a nice farm upstate
    • The Auto Save dialog won’t remove tags from an item when updating any more
    • Clicking inside and releasing outside of a hover copy button will no longer trigger the button action anyway
    • In its enthusiasm, 1Password would prompt you to save changes if you placed your cursor in a text field but didn’t change any text, even after you pressed the "Cancel" button. We’ve toned down its exuberance
    • A Secure Note field would flash blank briefly after losing focus, but now it’s rock steady
    • The current version used to be "(null)" in the 1Password Updater description. We’ve informed 1Password that this isn’t actually a secret that needs to be kept
    • Ellipses no longer appear in the password field after unlocking the 1Password mini
    • In 1Password mini’s Strong Password Generator, it used to be difficult to tell the difference between passwords in the History section. Now they’re much easier to read and differentiate! {OPM-424}
    • Fixed problems that could occur if the Main window was closed while the Preferences window was open. {OPM-3161, OPM-3162, OPM-3163}
    • Rarely, some edits were not being saved when using (⌘)-E to end editing. Now you can ⌘-E away! {OPM-3000}
    • The 1Password mini window resize animation during search is now snappy
    • Updated the text in the License window
    • Voice Over can now say the password when the conceal password setting is off, or when ⌥ (Option) is pressed
    • 1Password will no longer crash when unlocking secondary vaults in the Save Login window.
    • Multiline text pasted into month/year date fields will not cause 1Password to crash
    • The mouse cursor can be on the search results and not cause a crash
    • Fetching Rich Icons should no longer cause 1Password to crash
    • Very rarely, a crash related to the system local could occur. It shouldn’t happen anymore
    • 1Password should no longer crash when saving a Login from the browser if blacklisted domains (Preferences > Browser) contained a backslash
    • A crash should no longer occur when clicking on "Show Search Options" with certain translations
    • If an item is being loaded in the main app, switching to another vault won’t cause 1Password to crash anymore
    • When the strong password generator is active in a new item and "Cancel" is clicked, a crash will no longer occur.
    • Fixed crash that could occur when converting or disabling the older iCloud Sync configuration from 1Password 4 to 1Password 5
    • Disabling Watchtower will no longer result in a crash
    • If an item belongs to a folder without a name, 1Password will no longer crash
    • Rich Icons requests won’t cause 1Password to crash
    • 1Password mini will no longer unnecessarily log an error about clearing the attachments cache every time it locks
    • 1Password mini should not crash when it shuts down
    • We’ve fixed some leaks so 1Password mini’s memory is no longer like a sieve.

    (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)

  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2015
    Bài viết
    nó mới lên 5.4 lun rồi bác
    (Đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để thấy link)

  3. #3
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết
    Update 1Password 5.4

  4. #4
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết
    Update Link Macintosh Maxspeed

  5. #5
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    Update 1Password 5.4.2



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